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Hydroelectric dam

Explore the Roadmap

The Hydropower Vision Roadmap charts a path to the reimagined Hydropower Vision in 2050 by identifying specific goals and activities that are key to achieving the vision. These goals and activities are organized into five areas that build on each other.  

The integration of advanced technologies at hydropower facilities is key to enabling flexible energy generation and modern operations. Sustainable development and operations looks beyond individual hydropower facilities at the coordination of watershed-scale operations to improve environmental stewardship and water management. Improved valuation emphasizes hydropower’s important role of providing a broad array of power and non-power services. At the federal, state, and levels, optimized regulatory processes are key to ensuring efficient and predictable processes for hydropower planning, development, and operations. Enhanced collaboration, education, and outreach builds communication and coordination across the entire hydropower community to help achieve goals in all these areas.

Explore the map below to learn more.

The interactive image has links to pages that can be found in the roadmap section of the main navigation