Take the 2024 Roadmap Survey
Your input will help the hydropower community identify efforts needed to advance the goals collaboratively identified in the Reimagined Hydropower Vision Roadmap. Take our short survey!
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About the Roadmap: To create a modern vision of conventional and pumped storage hydropower, the reimagined Hydropower Vision Roadmap brought together leaders and representatives across hydropower sectors to identify goals aligned with the constantly evolving landscape for hydropower and the sectors it impacts. The Roadmap lays out the specific activities identified by the hydropower community to achieve those goals.
The reimagined Hydropower Vision Roadmap was a community-focused effort, led by a team with representatives from major stakeholders within the hydropower community. The leadership team, partners, and participants from federal agencies, national laboratories, non-profit organizations, and industry all helped inform and guide the Roadmap development.
The reimagined Roadmap charts a path to a modern vision for Hydropower. Developed with input from the hydropower community, the Roadmap highlights the goals and activities key to achieving the shared vision by 2050.
Goals and activities in the Advanced Technology area are driven by supporting flexible energy generation through the design and demonstration of innovative and resilient hydropower components, structures, and systems.
Goals and activities in the Sustainable Development and Operations are driven by integrating environmental stewardship, responsible water management, cultural resource preservation, and ecosystem protection and restoration into the development and operation of facilities and watersheds that produce hydropower.
Goals and activities in the Improved Valuation area are driven by recognizing and compensating the full set of services and values provided by hydropower and pumped storage, encompassing power and non-power services within all investment and operational contexts.
Goals and activities in the Optimized Regulatory Process area are driven by ensuring an efficient and predictable regulatory process that supports environmental stewardship, responsible water management, and public safety.
Goals and activities in the Enhanced Collaboration, Education, and Outreach area are driven by sustaining public welfare, environmental stewardship, and renewable integration through an engaged community network and ready workforce.
Hydropower is one of the oldest renewable energy technologies and currently provides approximately 28% of U.S. renewable generation. Hydropower plays an important role as the energy landscape evolves to include more renewables, but there are environmental and societal challenges related to hydropower that still need to be addressed. To support a sustainable, clean energy future with hydropower, a holistic view of hydropower and its community was needed. This website presents the Hydropower Vision Roadmap—the culmination of a collaborative, community effort to outline where hydropower is now, where we would like to be by 2050, and the goals and activities needed to get there.
How are you helping make the modern vision for hydropower a reality?
Community Highlights
Check out some of the efforts by the community that are bringing us closer to a modern vision for hydropower. Interested in featuring your project? Contact the Vision team.

Solutions for Underwater Hydropower Turbine Inspections